
Hosea & Amos: Prophets to the North

Hosea and Amos share prophetic concern for a nation in turmoil.

How a Baby is Made

How is a baby made? More specifically, what determines the future characteristics of the child? One answer emerges from the ...

History of Conversion

Judaism's openness to newcomers has varied, depending on how strong and self-confident Jews have felt.

That Time the Lulav Made Me Cry

I love the holiday season – I even love a three day yontif (yom tov, or holiday).  With the exception ...

Gluhwein (Mulled Wine)

My husband and I aren’t really the sit-on-a-beach-for-a-week types, so instead of a beach vaca for our honeymoon, we went ...

Something Sacred in the Southern Soil

Throughout history, Jews have had many names, including one of my favorites: The People of the Book. We have a ...

Reconstructionist Judaism Offers Egalitarian Divorce Options

In addition to the traditional get (bill of divorce) granted by the husband, Reconstructionism offers a woman-initiated get and a mutual get.

Why Jewish Time Still Matters In The Age Of Covid-19

Today marks the end of the most prolific counting of days in the Jewish calendar. S’firat ha’Omer, the Counting of ...

Making Your Own Ritual Objects

Creating a tallit (prayer shawl) or designing a bar/bat mitzvah invitation can add a meaningful personal dimension to the celebration.

His Bar Mitzvah; My Religious Crisis

How do you send your child to Hebrew school when you hated it?
