
The Best Multicultural and Racial Stories of 2017

A look back at 2017 as told in the stories of racially and ethnically diverse Jews

What Is Hallel?

This prayer of thanksgiving is recited on festive Jewish holidays.

Jewish Thinkers & Thought 101

It is difficult to speak of a single or official Jewish worldview, theology, or philosophy. Instead, we must speak of Jewish theologies and philosophies: the various and varied religious worldviews articulated during Judaism's long history.

Why Do Jews Send Mishloach Manot on Purim?

It is customary to send Purim gifts to friends and strangers.

Isaiah 3:1-15 A Commentary

Isaiah decries injustice by the elite against the poor. As a fit punishment, social order will be upset, leaving the people in leaderless chaos.

Esther and Daniel: Biblical Advice for Diaspora Communities

How should Jews live under foreign rule? These biblical books offer different answers to a 2,000-year-old question.

Hasidic Mysticism

Hasidism spread mystical ideas to the masses of East-European Jewry.

One Student’s Ordination Affects Us All

Yeshiva University’s recent decision to withhold semicha (rabbinic ordination) from one of its about-to-graduate rabbis because of his participation in ...

Cheesin’ For a Reason!

Be it brie, mozzarella or feta, I, like just about everyone, love cheese.There are so many reasons to love cheese, ...
