
Including Agunot on Purim in Montreal

Every year costumed women and children arrive from communities across the island, all aglow and abuzz with great anticipation. Purim ...

What Is Midrash?

These writings, which fill in gaps in biblical texts, falls into two categories: halacha and aggadah.

Ari the Big Gay Rabbinical Student: On Navigating Two Challenging Identities

Deciding to become a rabbi is a momentous decision. For a gay man, the decision is even more fraught. In ...

Taanit 30

Torah study on Tisha B'Av.

Choosing Judaism: Nonbinary Existence

I can say with absolute certainty that I was queer before I was Jewish. I was born to Jewish parents, ...

What Does It Mean To Be A Blessing?

Blessings are not meant to flow into us, but rather to flow through us.

“Stuff” Doesn’t Equal “Love”

This year, the proverbial “holiday season” comes earlier than usual, with the much-ballyhooed convergence of Hannukah and Thanksgiving. This means ...

Jewish Food? Czech!

Growing up, I didn’t realize that the food my grandparents served me wasn’t typical “Jewish” food. Sure, when I would visit ...
