
Summary of Tractate Taanit

This talmudic tractate about fasting is packed with stories.

Shehechiyanu: A Meditation on this Moment

This blessing, traditionally recited for firsts, can be said anytime -- since every moment is new and unprecedented.

Why Passover Is About A Lot More Than Good Food

What is the essence of Passover? On the one hand, it seems obvious: Passover is about gathering together with loved ...

Interview: The Daily Show’s Rob Kutner

On today’s homepage, MyJewishLearning is featuring a fascinating new article about Daily Show host Jon Stewart. To go along with ...

Potluck Minyan in Brooklyn Hosts its 6th Megillah Reading

I took a deep breath and looked around the room. There were more faces looking back at me than I ...

Parents Make It To The Top 10

The complex ways in which parents serve as our bridge between God and the world.

Studying Torah

How to Study Torah. Judaism and Torah Study. Jewish Learning. Torah Study.

Gittin 21

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