
Simchat Torah Firsts

This past Simchat Torah I had the fortune of dividing my time between two minyanim: the Mount Sinai Jewish Center in Washington ...

Why “The Purim Superhero” is the Book I’ve Been Waiting For

I’ve always believed quite firmly that what is on our kids’ bookshelves, and what we, parents and children together, share ...

To See With The Heart

The daughters of Zelophchad teach us to see people not as objects in our lives but as subjects of their own lives.

Yom Ha’atzmaut Liturgy

Religious observance of Yom Ha'atzmaut draw on a variety of Jewish customs.

Gittin 55

Returning a stolen beam.

Nedarim 21

Can you change your mind?

Tears and Empowerment on Purim

Crying isn’t supposed to be part of Purim. Maybe it’s okay if you’re six and having a sugar-induced meltdown right ...

Pesachim 14

Three layers of learning.

Not Quite Fifty Years Behind America

Ten years ago on Simchat Torah, three American friends and I walked from synagogue to synagogue in our North West London neighborhood, looking ...
