
Philanthropy and Transformation

A prominent female Jewish philanthropist reflects on her experiences, and offers her vision.

Gittin 31

Just chatting about the wind.

The Power of 50 Minutes

Finding meaning this High Holiday season

The Spectrum of Leaders and Followers: A Tale of My Third Grade Play

In third grade, most learning stopped while we prepared for our class play. It was quite the production. We each ...

At My Table: Thanksgiving Jeopardy!

One Jewish historian's enthusiastic holiday tradition.

Why I Co-Officiate Interfaith Marriages

The most popular days to get engaged are Christmas (and I assume Hanukkah!), New Year’s Eve, and Valentine’s Day. That ...

Becoming Southern & Jewish: Part II

This post is the second in my three-part-series on “Becoming Southern and Jewish.”Over the course of my next two years ...

A Modest Case For Civil Marriage Equality

Political discourse finds expression everywhere it can. People discuss their convictions over dinner, at water coolers in the office, in ...

Jewish Philosophy and Philosophies of Judaism

It is more accurate to speak of Jewish philosophies than of a single Jewish philosophy.
