
Pesachim 103

Be vewy, vewy quiet … we’re hunting wabbits! (At the seder?)

I Don’t Resolve – I Make Plans, Based On Jewish Values

As the New Year approached, many people took out the pen and paper to note down their resolutions. Now the ...

The Walking Jewish Exhibitionists

A few weeks ago I was asked to give a keynote address at a middle school. My ever-proud Jewish mother ...

Welcome to JOFA’s New Blog – The Torch!

Jewish feminists have a lot to say. We have been grappling with issues of gender inclusion in Jewish life for ...

Joseph, the Brother Sold Into Slavery, is…[SPOILER ALERT]

With the new Star Wars movie premiering this week, social media has gone into full spoiler prevention mode. People are ...

Levirate Marriage and Halitzah

Ancient customs involving a childless widow.

A Historical View of Choosing a Jewish Name

Naming a child can reflect ancestry, associations with the baby's arrival, and hopes and dreams for his or her future.

Shiva Prohibitions Embody Depersonalization

The specific prohibitions on mourners during the shiva period reflect the mourner's sense of estrangement from the life force.

About Death & Mourning

About Death and Mourning in the Jewish community.

The History of Kasha Varnishkes

There's more to this classic Ashkenazi comfort food than meets the eye.
