
About Death & Mourning

About Death and Mourning in the Jewish community.

Levirate Marriage and Halitzah

Ancient customs involving a childless widow.

The Challenge of Yom HaShoah

Tonight is Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Memorial Day. Last night I was discussing remembrance with my ninth graders at our ...

Gittin 2

Welcome to Tractate Gittin.

The History of Kasha Varnishkes

There's more to this classic Ashkenazi comfort food than meets the eye.

Seeing in the Dark

Could it be that in our yearning for light, we fail to recognize the gifts of darkness?

We Were Slaves — We Know What It Means to Not Fit In

The test of a community is not how it receives the most powerful, but how it welcomes the most vulnerable.

The Kosher Trader Joe’s Facebook Group Is the Best Thing on the Internet

The Kosher Trader Joe’s Facebook Group is much more than just a place to discover new products or ask questions, ...

Making Wine Latkes with Grandma

Yes, "wine latkes" - and no, I cannot share the recipe
