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Jewish Texts, Live, Weddings & Marriage
Levirate Marriage and Halitzah
Ancient customs involving a childless widow.
A Historical View of Choosing a Jewish Name
Naming a child can reflect ancestry, associations with the baby's arrival, and hopes and dreams for his or her future.
Jewish Law, Jewish Texts, Mourn, Mourning Rituals, Sitting Shiva, Study
Shiva Prohibitions Embody Depersonalization
The specific prohibitions on mourners during the shiva period reflect the mourner's sense of estrangement from the life force.
The History of Kasha Varnishkes
There's more to this classic Ashkenazi comfort food than meets the eye.
Celebrate, Holocaust, Jewish History, More Holidays, Rabbis Without Borders, Study, Tisha B'Av
The Challenge of Yom HaShoah
Tonight is Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Memorial Day. Last night I was discussing remembrance with my ninth graders at our ...
Seeing in the Dark
Could it be that in our yearning for light, we fail to recognize the gifts of darkness?
Beliefs & Practices, Jewish Thought, Study, War & Peace
Jewish Captives, Cruelty, & Compassion
Jewish law on the proper treatment of prisoners of war