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Seeing in the Dark
Could it be that in our yearning for light, we fail to recognize the gifts of darkness?
The History of Kasha Varnishkes
There's more to this classic Ashkenazi comfort food than meets the eye.
Live, Rabbis Without Borders, Women & Feminism
Women on the March
Saturday January 20, 2017: Today, I’m committed to reading the Torah’s story about the seven women who give life to ...
Celebrate, Jewish Texts, JOFA's Torch, Purim, Study
The Unexpected Gems I Found in Megillat Esther
I could never have anticipated the impact that reading Perek Daled (chapter four) of Megillat Esther would have on my ...
Celebrate, JOFA's Torch, Live, Women & Feminism
It’s Not Just for Feminists Anymore
It’s not easy being a feminist.We are the butts of jokes, the objects of stereotypes, and the recipients of sometimes ...
Beliefs & Practices, Clothing & Appearance, Study
Inner Beauty, Outward Beauty, and Health
Judaism recognizes the primacy of an inner beauty, but we are nonetheless called upon to care for our bodies and not discouraged from tending to our appearance.
Why Parents Are the Only Loved Ones Traditionally Mourned a Full Year
Rites for mothers and fathers are more demanding than those for other relatives, even siblings, spouses and children.