
Yom Kippur Haftarah: Isaiah 57:14-58:14

The complete text (in English) for this Yom Kippur reading.

Conversion History: Orthodox and Conservative Understandings

Orthodoxy maintains a strict legal approach to conversion, while Conservative Judaism has responded pragmatically rather than ideologically.

Genesis 1:1-2:3: The Story of Creation

An alternative reading for Rosh Hashanah

Marching for My Mom, the Agunah

Last Sunday, March 22nd, a march was held in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY in order to raise awareness of the ...


When we open our eyes in the morning, when we are confronted with challenges, when we seek to create beauty, ...

Today You Are a Man 

In honor of the annual observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance we are devoting space in our blog to posts about gender. Be sure ...

Putting God Back into Schools: Artists & Musicians for Israel

There’s a new type of kiruv going on in Israel. Kiruv, which literally means “bringing something close,” refers to religious ...

Remembering Amalek

A serious lesson that focuses on fighting evil precedes the Purim fesitivites.

Kashering Stoves And Ovens

Very high heat for these cooking appliances
