
Secrets of an Orthodox Matchmaker

Chana Rachel Frumin is the director and founder of the Jerusalem Narrative Family Therapy Institute, where she is a marriage ...

Samuel Menashe

A neglected master takes his place in history.

Mothers and Daughters in Shul

I was sitting in synagogue beside a beautiful, ornate, wood carved mechitzah when I saw something I had never noticed ...

Merkavah Mysticism in Rabbinic Literature

In the Talmud and midrash, visions of the Divine Throne are achieved by studying the Torah.

Our Bat Mitzvah Celebration With The Community

We live in a provincial community in the UK and like in many provincial communities, attitudes towards women’s involvement in ...

Welcoming Synagogue Diversity

I feel at home at this synagogue because I have never been made to feel like a token.

Why I Converted to Judaism

My involvement with Judaism began with a Jewish boyfriend, but I ultimately converted for myself.

The Written Torah and the Oral Torah

According to Jewish tradition, two Torahs were received on Mount Sinai -- one written, and one passed down orally for generations.

Moses’ Approach Towards Death

Several commentaries interpret Moses's going to the people before his death.

Same-Sex Marriage

The liberal Jewish movements are struggling to balance contemporary morality and Jewish tradition in deciding whether to ritually honor same-sex unions.
