
21 Restaurants Hosting Passover Seders Across the Country

Instead of making a mess in your kitchen, make a reservation.

The Best Jewish Food in Berlin

The most delicious bagels, Israeli food and delis in Berlin.

Yevamot 86

Walling off the garden.

Living “Out” Within the Orthodox Community

I grew up 100 percent Camp Ramah and United Synagogue Youth (both Conservative movement institutions), but after marrying a Modern ...

The Covenant of Fertility

Fertility of the womb and fertility of the land are divine gifts.

Funny, You Don’t Look Jewish

An Ashkenazic Reform Korean rabbi explores her identity.

Mitzvot: Contemporary Understandings

For Jewish religious thinkers in our time, the question "why observe mitzvot?" has become a central and critical concern. Some answers echo earlier periods, some are new.

International Transgender Day of Visibility: A Jewish Perspective

For a while, just as Transgender Day of Remembrance was getting established as an observance, a competing movement emerged. That ...

Passover and Easter

Both celebrate spring and hope, though there are major differences between them also.
