
A Taste of Eternity: Letters from the Front

The fifth of the Ten Commandments states: Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in ...

The Sweet Story of Israeli Desserts

Desserts are part of the ever-developing Israeli cuisine, and like everything else in Israel, desserts too have their story.

The Rabbis’ Shabbat II: Enjoyment and Spiritual Fulfillment

The Rabbis used requirements and prohibitions to shape a Shabbat experience in which creative activity is set aside to make time for matters of the spirit. Second of two parts.

Bind These Words

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

Compassionate Conquest

The war against Midian teaches that when Israel does fight wars, they must fight with compassion and a minimum of casualties.

Shomer Negiah, the Prohibition on Touching

The term refers to someone who refrains from physical contact with members of the opposite sex.

Denominational Differences On Conversion

Differences between the movements grow out of more basic disagreements in philosophy and belief.

A Letter Which Is Not Read

I’ve been dreaming about my mother a lot recently. A while back I wrote about how I’m not one of ...

Parashat Vayeshev: Finding Light, Making Change

This Torah portion tells the story of Tamar, a woman who saw the possibility of new life where others saw only death.


Successor to the prophet Elijah, he healed the sick, raised the dead, and made iron float—but he was also a prophet who made serious mistakes.
