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Why I Converted to Judaism
My involvement with Judaism began with a Jewish boyfriend, but I ultimately converted for myself.
Moses’ Approach Towards Death
Several commentaries interpret Moses's going to the people before his death.
Jewish Law, Jewish Texts, Study, Talmud
The Written Torah and the Oral Torah
According to Jewish tradition, two Torahs were received on Mount Sinai -- one written, and one passed down orally for generations.
Same-Sex Marriage
The liberal Jewish movements are struggling to balance contemporary morality and Jewish tradition in deciding whether to ritually honor same-sex unions.
American Jews, Jewish History, Study
The Brownsville Public School Boycott of 1905
The Jews of Brownsville, Brooklyn, fought back when a principal at a public school taught about sectarian views.
11 Best Jewish Bakeries in the US
Where to find the best challah, babka and rye from coast to coast.
Welcoming Synagogue Diversity
I feel at home at this synagogue because I have never been made to feel like a token.