
Hanukkah in the Community

What happens in synagogue and beyond.

The Hanukkah Blessings

Three blessings said when lighting the Hanukkah candles.

Recipes for Hanukkah

The ever-popular potato latke heads the list of traditional, oily Hanukkah treats.

The Superpower of Hanukkah

Hanukkah reminds that rather than running from our darkness, we can choose to confront it.

Hanukkah and Shabbat

In lighting the candles of Hanukkah and then Shabbat, we move from the very old to the positively ancient.

The Tagged Tanakh

When user-testing the Tagged Tanakh, the Jewish Publication Society’s attempt to user-navigate the Bible, my first reaction was, this is ...

Hannah Arendt

A towering intellectual who theorized about the nature of totalitarianism and Nazi evil.

Orthodox Judaism & Halakhah

Orthodox Views on Halakhah. Views on Halakhah. Halakhah in Jewish Daily Life and Practice. Jewish Life.

Hanukkah and the Winter Solstice

There are disagreements as to why the holiday of lights is celebrated when the days are short.

Rabbinic Development of Hanukkah

The Mishnah references Hanukkah only obliquely.
