
Is Hanukkah Always in December?

The Jewish Festival of Lights falls in winter near Christmas, but is it always the same month?

Poll: Hanukkah Presents

With tonight being the 7th night of Hanukkah, I’ve started to wonder, how come I haven’t gotten more presents? My ...

Halakhah: Sources and Development

From biblical law, through classic rabbinic debate and medieval law codes, and continuing in the modern period, Jewish law has undergone constant development.

Halakhah in Conservative Judaism

"Tradition and change" is the Conservative movement's motto, balancing adherence to Jewish law with a willingness to introduce major innovations.

Sephardic Hanukkah Traditions

As a Jew with North African roots, I have always felt that my culture’s rich and diverse traditions set me apart ...

Hanukkah Holiday Tablescapes

A few more weeks to go, and Hanukkah is almost upon us. I am sure some people might feel uncomfortable ...

What is the Meaning of Hanukkah?

The Hebrew name of the Festival of Lights literally means "dedication."

The Hanukkiah (Hanukkah Menorah)

Hanukkah lamps come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

Reform Judaism & Halakhah

Seeking guidance from the Jewish legal tradition, without a belief in its binding nature—especially in light of contemporary moral sensitivies.
