
Hanukkah Light for Women in Uganda

More than anything Nalugya Rehema wanted to be a mother. She was very happy when she got pregnant, but she ...

Amazing Hanukkah Menorahs on Instagram

These really light up the internet.

On Hanukkah, Women As Role Models

Two stories related to Hanukkah focus on the heroic efforts of women.

A Latin Twist on Hanukkah Latkes

A Hanukkah latke recipe inspired by Mexican and Jewish family traditions

Hanukkah Minstrels Are Making the Rounds

MyJewishLearning’s new versions of traditional Hanukkah songs have been getting noticed! Alicia Jo Rabins’ cover of “Sivivon Sov Sov Sov” ...

Greek Jewish Hanukkah Is Not A Paradox

Celebrating Hanukkah with unique Greek Jewish customs

The Hobby Lobby Hanukkah Hubbub

This week, my Facebook news-feed is filled with outrage about the fact that Hobby Lobby won’t carry Hanukkah decorations. Many ...

I’ll Be Home for Hanukkah

A strange holiday season leads to new traditions
