
Hanukkah 2019

In 2019, the first night of Hanukkah is Sunday, Dec. 22.

Hanukkah 2018

In 2018, the first night of Hanukkah is Sunday, Dec. 2.

Tostones for Hanukkah

Cubans use plantain bananas the way Americans use potatoes, so swapping traditional potato latkes with savory tostones seemed like a natural choice.

Hanukkah on a Diet

Ynet reports: Israelis are buying less sufganiyot (Hanukkah donuts) and more Hanukkah candles, the Manufacturers Association of Israel reported Monday. ...

A Hanukkah Reminder

This is a reminder to all visitors that this weekend will mark the end of our promotion with Craig ...

The Joy of Hanukkah

JTA did all the work in finding this one, so they get the props for it. I’m very happy they ...

Hanukkah Prep

Hanukkah begins tonight, and as always, MJL is here to help you prepare. Learn about the holiday’s history, its theology ...

Hanukkah Cartoon

What's Chanukah, you ask? Spin yourself back in time to learn the story, and why we celebrate miracles in the darkest and coldest part of the year.

Chanukah/Hanukkah: So Many Ways to Celebrate

The Daf Yomi (Hebrew for “page a day”), is a program for learning Talmud.  Participants study one page a day, ...

A Megillah for Hanukkah?

The case for reviving a tradition of reading the Scroll of Antiochus.
