
Light Your Hanukkiah in Solidarity Against Terrorism–Or, You Know, Because of Hanukkah

Several people have forwarded me this email in the past two days:Dear Friends, Last Shabbat, in my sermon, I offered ...

How My Non-Jewish Husband Became in Charge of Making Latkes Every Hanukkah

My husband is definitively non-Jewish by all religious standards. Except for his latke skills.

Hanukkah Quiz

How much do you know about the Festival of Lights?

Beyond Your Bubbe’s Latkes

I love making latkes, and like most of us, I have my preferred ways of serving the latke. Last year ...

Holiday of Religious Liberty

The Jews of Western Europe and America gave Hanukkah new meaning--which remains with us today.

Why Were the Rabbis So Uncomfortable With the Maccabees?

At Hanukkah, shifting the focus from militarism to miracles.

The December Dilemma

Whether you ignore Christmas altogether or celebrate it with non-Jewish friends or family, the holiday provokes a lot of emotions.

My Favorite Holiday Things

Every year I love scouting out great foodie gift ideas and the newest holiday (especially Hanukkah) products that come onto ...
