
Human Beings are God’s Menorah

As the month of Kislev has begun our thoughts turn to the upcoming holiday of Hanukkah. If there was ever ...

6 Novelty Menorahs

From fun and funky to downright adorable.

Public Displays of Hanukkiyot

A modern phenomenon that draws on basic Hanukkah beliefs.

Thanksgivukkah: The True History

Thanksgivvukah, the rare convergence of American Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, has been a mechayeh—a revitalization.Maybe even a re-dedication, which is the literal meaning of the ...

The Book of Second Maccabees

A Diaspora perspective with an emphasis on martyrdom

Shabbat 22

It's all about the light.

Homemade Applesauce

Canned for Hanukkah.

Everyone Matters

Lighting candles on Hanukkah is easy enough that anyone can participate.

Al Hanisim: Concerning the Miracles

A prayer acknowledging the significance of Hanukkah.

Why Every Home Needs Its Own Menorah

The tradition of lighting Hanukkah candles in every household teaches that all of us have the power to lighten our little corner of the world.
