
Eight Days of Videos–Colbert & Stewart

If you search online for pictures of Hanukkah candles, you get pristine photos of beautiful hanukkiyot and even more beautiful ...

Best of the Week

“Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted. One moment. Would you capture ...

Best of the Week

The week is over. Here’s the best of it.Hanukkah is really soon. Like realllllly soon (so soon that it warrants ...


Lighting the Hanukkah candles.

Kids’ Music that Doesn’t Suck (Plus, Free MP3s from MJL)

As I’ve said before, being a professional Jew can mess with your head — when the rest of the world ...

Introducing Todd & God

Hanukkah’s almost here, so we’ve got a gift for you, dear readers: the “pilot” episode of’s The Adventures of ...

Jews and Christmas

What attitudes toward Christmas tell us about modern Jewish identity.

Where Are You Lighting Your Lights?

After spending two years as ISJL Education Fellows serving the South, fellowship alumni often leave for places near and far ...

How to Make A Bike-Powered Menorah in Mississippi (and Everywhere)

Spending Hanukkah in the Deep South is far from my “most remote” holiday experience. In December of 2012, I was ...
