
What is Hanukah?

“What is Hanukah?”  the Talmud asks and typically each year at this time we are reminded by a variety of ...

On Hanukkah and War

Jewish tradition is deeply torn, and even contradictory, in its thinking about war.

The Message of Chanukah

Hanukkah has been for as long as I can remember one of my favorite Jewish holidays. Throughout my life different ...

The Hanukkiah (Hanukkah Menorah)

Hanukkah lamps come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

Hanukkah Holiday Tablescapes

A few more weeks to go, and Hanukkah is almost upon us. I am sure some people might feel uncomfortable ...

Rabbinic Development of Hanukkah

The Mishnah references Hanukkah only obliquely.

Hanukkah and the Winter Solstice

There are disagreements as to why the holiday of lights is celebrated when the days are short.

What is the Meaning of Hanukkah?

The Hebrew name of the Festival of Lights literally means "dedication."

Is Hanukkah Always in December?

The Jewish Festival of Lights falls in winter near Christmas, but is it always the same month?

Poll: Hanukkah Presents

With tonight being the 7th night of Hanukkah, I’ve started to wonder, how come I haven’t gotten more presents? My ...
