
A Recipe for Homemade Hanukkah

As a convert, I have always felt a special responsibility to actively choose Judaism. Each new choice I make reminds ...

Modern Observances of Hanukkah

A holiday influenced by secular society

Hanukkah Themes and Theology

Beyond the parties and gifts, what the Festival of Lights is all about.

Ambivalence Toward Hanukkah

The holiday we celebrate today is a rabbinic creation.

Hanukkah Mad Libs

This Hanukkah enjoy the holiday with more than just latkes and dreidels. MyJewishLearning is hooking you up with a Hanukkah ...

Is it Permissible to Work on Hanukkah?

Jews rest on Shabbat and other holidays. Does that include Hanukkah?

Is Hanukkah the Jewish Christmas?

Hanukkah bears no relation to Christmas except that it also happens to fall in mid-winter.

Defining Hanukkah: Pluralism

Hanukkah represents the struggle to follow one's values and religion in a pluralistic world that often demands uniformity.

Vegan Latkes for Hanukkah

If you are looking for an egg-free and dairy-free version of your favorite potato latkes, look no further!

Lemon Cupcakes for Hanukkah

With olive oil, sage, and sea salt.
