
MJL’s Hanukkah Appeal

A few times a year, we at MJL ask our audience to donate to help us keep going and growing ...

Taking Sides on Hanukkah

I often wonder what group I would have belonged to when people were being asked to stand up and be ...

The Two Miracles of Hanukkah

Ancient scriptures tell two very different stories about why we celebrate the Festival of Lights.

Post-Hanukkah Detox

Hanukkah is over, and much as I love a holiday that gives me an excuse to eat fried cheese, I ...

Hanukkah Snuggies, Oy!

There’s not much we as Jews can really unite under. We tend to agree that the Holocaust was bad (and ...

The War on Hanukkah Gelt

Yesterday I gave a bag of Hanukkah gelt to a non-Jewish friend of mine. It was leftover from the holiday, ...

Poll: Hanukkah Shopping

Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving. But with Thanksgiving, comes Black Friday. Black Friday, of course, is the day after Thanksgiving ...

The History of Hanukkah Donuts

From Sephardic bimuelos to the American Jews behind Dunkin' Donuts.

The Darker Side of Hanukkah

Some different--and surprising--stories about how the Maccabean revolt began.

Hanukkah Giving…Squared

You know how Amazon (and its less evil compatriots) cuts off holiday shipping, what, like two weeks before Christmas starts? ...
