
A Jewish Bookseller’s View

Booksellers View of Jewish Texts. What Makes a Text Jewish. What are Jewish Texts. About Jewish Texts. Jewish Texts. People of the Book.

Blaming Society

We should strive to emulate Abraham and Isaac rather than emulating Laban, who compartmentalized his values.

Official Holiday Rankings

There sure are a lot of Jewish holidays this season. I happen to be lucky and work for a Jewish ...

Visiting the Soviet Union

I’ve had four opportunities to visit the Soviet Union/Former Soviet Union over the years, the fourth being the trip I’m preparing ...

Developing a Relationship With the Born-Jewish Family

A convert must step gingerly across a minefield of long-held expectations, sometimes complicated by ambivalence toward Jewishness.

Jewish Wisdom from Jewish Educators

Judaism has a lot to tell us about how to live a meaningful life—here's some Jewish wisdom that inspires us.

Rosh Hashanah Customs

How to celebrate the Jewish New Year at home.

Making Wine Latkes with Grandma

Yes, "wine latkes" - and no, I cannot share the recipe
