
Megillah 8

Same same, but different.

This Jewish Girl Loves St. Pat’s in Jackson!

Jackson, Mississippi has one of the largest St. Patrick’s Day parades in the country. This Saturday, 70,000(!) people will line ...

For Afro-Yiddish Performer, the Past is not Past

“The past is never dead. It’s not even past…”When William Faulkner wrote these words in Requiem for a Nun, I’m pretty certain he ...

Jewish Weddings: When and Where They Happen

The details for scheduling traditional Jewish nuptials.

Yes, I’m Celebrating a New Jewish Holiday Today

Let’s make a new Jewish holiday.Wait…what?Let’s make a new Jewish holiday. When I opened a recent daily e-mail from The ...

Summary of Tractate Taanit

This talmudic tractate about fasting is packed with stories.

The Jewish Women I Saw (And Didn’t) On TV

Representation matters - in real life most of all

Chanukah/Hanukkah: So Many Ways to Celebrate

The Daf Yomi (Hebrew for “page a day”), is a program for learning Talmud.  Participants study one page a day, ...

Moishe in Mississippi: Making a Difference, Without Walls

Today’s post was written jointly by Arielle Nissenblatt and Lonnie Kleinman – two young Jewish professionals who also happen to ...

Yossele Rosenblatt’s Later Career

The talented cantor Yossele Rosenblatt (1882-1933) becomes an international star.
