
All Is Not Fair In Love And War

By linking the incident of the female prisoner of war to the hated wife and rebellious child, Rashi encourages us to consider the consequences of treating others as objects.

Remember Canada, Don’t Forget

If the wrong candidate wins, you’re moving to Canada.Canada: land of safe haven for refugees, universal health care, hate speech laws, ...

Celebrating Spring

Jewish tradition is replete with legends both uplifting and ominous about the vernal equinox.

Guided Meditation for the High Holidays

Focusing on the year that's ending.

Sephardic Hanukkah Traditions

As a Jew with North African roots, I have always felt that my culture’s rich and diverse traditions set me apart ...

The Real History of Potato Latkes Will Surprise You

Dive into the history of how fried South American potatoes became a quintessential Jewish food

A Soulless Figure, A Figureless Soul

My roommate came home yesterday with a story I’ve experienced myself too many times in too many different ways.She was ...

Praying For the Miracle of Israel

Multiple version of the Al Hanisim prayer have been composed to thank God for Israel, each emphasizing different aspects of the Jewish state's creation.

A Megillah for Hanukkah?

The case for reviving a tradition of reading the Scroll of Antiochus.
