
Reckoning — Not Revenge

Are there stories in the Jewish canon that shed light on how to reckon with evil without losing one's moral foundation?

A Completely Trivial and Out-of-Context Snapshot of Israeli Military Rule

The army usually declares a closure of the Palestinian territories for the holidays, meaning that all permits allowing Palestinians entrance into Israel become null and void.

The Jewish History of Baileys

As it turns out, the Irish liqueur was invented by a South African Jew.

Prime-Time Drama

This post has been translated from Hebrew to English by Bracha Jaffe.Shabbat afternoon between the afternoon and evening prayers is ...

Massacre in the Patriarch’s Tomb

The following letter to the Palestinian people shall never be sent. After at least three rewritings and endless discussions among ...

A Passover Cooking Experience (and Recipe)

Rachel Saks has an M.S. in Education and is a Registered Dietitian. She developed and ran Healthy Living, a Camp Ramah program ...

The Nuts and Bolts of Peace with Iran

“Even if the messiah tarries, nonetheless, I believe and wait for him, but peace with Iran? Impossible.” When I asked ...

The History of Kasha Varnishkes

There's more to this classic Ashkenazi comfort food than meets the eye.

Our Bat Mitzvah Celebration With The Community

We live in a provincial community in the UK and like in many provincial communities, attitudes towards women’s involvement in ...

What is Anger For?

There are three (types) of people the Holy One loves: One who does not get angry. One who does not ...
