
These Nine Tombs Have Attracted Jewish Pilgrims for Centuries

Take a look inside the places that Abraham, King David, Queen Esther and other biblical characters are said to have been buried.

LGBTQ Interpretations of Jewish Texts

Ancient and modern readings of the Bible and Talmud suggest that several personalities may have defied gender and sexuality norms.

Jacob Ben Asher, the Ba’al Haturim

The author of the Arba'ah Turim set the stage for Joseph Caro's Shulchan Aruch.

Recognizing God’s Presence

When we welcome baby girls into the covenant we allow them to remind us of God's presence in the world.

Parashat Tazria-Metzora

In the Torah portion Tazria, God instructs Moses about the purification rituals for mothers following childbirth. God then describes to ...

Chagigah 23

The consequences of a broken sandal.

Multiplicity Of Meanings

The high priest's breastplate reminds us of the numerous ways to understand text and reality.

Parashat Tazria: Summary

God instructs Moses about the purification rituals for mothers following childbirth; God then describes to Moses and Aaron the procedures for identifying and responding to those infected with leprosy.

Shabbat 14

Water that is stinky but pure.


Leviticus 14:1-15:33
