
Elevating Sin

Acknowledging sins allows for individual purification.

Jonathan Eybeschutz

Noted Prague rabbi was accused of being a follower of false messiah Shabbetai Zevi.

Tahara, Preparing the Body for Burial

A Jewish ritual cleansing of the deceased fulfills the verse from Ecclesiastes 5:14, "As we come forth, so we shall return."

Nazir 18

To shave or not to shave?

In Praise of Public “Guilt Offerings”

Because asking for forgiveness is a holy act.

Water for Life

This portion calls on us to make clean water a focal point of our action and advocacy.

Parashat Tazria-Metzora: Illness, Isolation and Lessons Learned

These two Torah portions describe in hyper-focused detail a spectrum of infections and the spiritual methods of remedying them.

The Double Purpose of Yom Kippur

We must be cleansed from the polluting effects of sin.
