
Sotah 48

The good old days.

Is the Synagogue a Relic of the Past?

Be sure to check out the just-released Kindle version of Jewish Ethics & Social Justice, too!Many Jews today claim that ...

Female Homosexuality in Judaism

The Torah does not address lesbianism, but later rabbinic commentators frowned upon it.

Chagigah 24

Close encounters of the fourth kind.

Questioning Chronology

The lack of chronological order in Bamidbar allows expressions of God's love for Israel to precede the trials and tribulations of desert wandering.

Shouting at the Television

What if the central narrative of the Jewish people had been different?

Chagigah 19

The surfer and the mikveh.

Tzom Bechorot: Why I’m Fasting Before Passover

April 3, 2015, is Tzom Bechorot, Fast of the Firstborn when first-born Jews fast before the first seder of Passover. This day also ...

When a Zoroastrian and a Jew Walked into a Mikvah

It is like clockwork. You can expect someone to raise the following argument every single time anything new is being ...
