
Judaism on Greed

The notion that humans are merely stewards of wealth, not its owner, can play into the hands of the greedy.

The Subtleties Of One Letter

We can learn numerous lessons from the statement of the owner of a house that appears to be afflicted with spiritual defilement.

Can We Please Stop Re-Fighting Hanukkah?

Ask any Jew what Hanukkah is about and you are likely to get one of two possible explanations: Maccabees or ...

Caro’s Codificatory Approach

The disparate opinions in Caro's Bet Yosef and the bottom line decisions in his Shulhan Arukh combined to create the halakhic code par excellence.

A Caretaker’s Prayer

O God, pray heal her!

Parashat Chukat: Summary

God instructs Moses and Aaron regarding the red heifer; Miriam dies; Moses hits a rock to bring forth water rather than speaking to it; Aaron dies.

Feminine Aspects of the Omer

In mystical terms, this is a period of time leading to the unification of the male and female aspects of the Divine.

Passing Before God

Deepening our relationship with God reminds us of our smallness, our greatness, and the chance to be better.

Digging Wells, Conserving Water

Now is the time for the Jewish people to respond to regional and global concerns about water scarcity.

Water Consciousness

How to send environmental problems down the drain.
