
Returning in Love

Reconnection with God through atonement is like the reunion of two lovers who can't stand to be apart.

24 Kugel Recipes to Cure Any Bad Day

Be it savory or sweet, this classic comfort food makes everything better.

21 Jewish Salads To Beat the Summer Schvitz

For days when it's too hot to turn on the oven.

Nigella Lawson’s 7 Best Jewish Recipes

From noodle kugel to an unexpected haroset recipe.

Rosh Hashana in Antarctica

A couple of days ago, we received this email: I am a Jew working in Antarctica as part of the ...

Rosh HaShanah: Sanctifying Our In-Betweens

Rabbi Reuben Zellman delivered this D’var Torah on Erev Rosh HaShanah in 2006 at Congregation Sha’ar Zahav in San Francisco. ...

Rosh Hashanah 16

All creatures pass before him like sheep.

Rosh Hashanah 12

The dragon that brought on the flood.
