
Rosh Hashanah Musaf Amidah

The additional Amidah contains the major themes of the holiday season.

Spiritual Not Religious at Rosh Hashanah

Shabbat dinner with young university students can be an adventure. My husband and I warm them up with a few ...

Rosh Hashanah Dinner Menus!

Doesn’t it seem like you were just planning your Labor Day grilling menu, and now here we are planning for ...

Your Annual Rosh Hashanah Check-in!

Shanah tovah um’tukah! (A good and sweet new year!) Happy new year to all! It’s a time of new beginnings and ...

An Afro-Ashkefardi Recipe For Rosh Hashanah

From black-eyed pea hummus spiked with homemade horseradish harissa to matzoh-meal fried chicken cooked in shmaltz, to peach noodle kugels ...

5 Multicultural Recipes for Rosh Hashanah

From Asian challah to "Afro-Ashkefardi" chicken, these dishes will add flair to your holiday table.

Mayim Bialik Explains Rosh Hashanah

Confused about the Jewish New Year? Mayim breaks it down.

When Rosh Hashanah Falls on Shabbat

If the first day of Rosh Hashanah coincides with Shabbat, holiday rituals and liturgy are adjusted.

How to Light Candles on Rosh Hashanah 

Learn the blessing recited over candles at the beginning of Rosh Hashanah.
