
Parashat Bereshit: Summary

A summary of the first portion of the Torah.

Settling a Debate in an NYC Cab

Earlier this week, June Hersh wrote about her perfect day, her Jewish culinary journey and unraveled the mystery of Jewish ...

Who Was Rav Nachman of Breslov?

Famous for his sayings, stories and charisma, this Hasidic leader inspired a movement that is still vibrant today.

Sharing Sorrow, Bringing Hope

Thousands of people had passed by before we managed to gather a minyan (quorum) of ten for the evening prayers. ...

Polygamy in Judaism

Once a tolerated and regulated practice, polygamy is virtually unheard of in Jewish life today.

Two Strikes And They’re Out?

Though we may challenge the severity of Moses' and Aaron's punishment, we affirm sacredness by trying to comprehend it.

The Eight Genders in the Talmud

Judaism has recognized nonbinary persons for millennia.

Secular No More

A true story of an Ultra-Orthodox Jew in Israel who left Ultra-Orthodoxy for a secular Israeli Lifestyle.
