
Give Heed to the Bark/Meow/Cluck of the Shofar

Apparently yesterday was “National Dog Day.”I had not heard of National Dog Day before, but it was created 10 years ...

Against New Fruit

Is it just me, or is the new fruit custom on the second night of Rosh Hashanah one of the ...

Green Beans with Honey Tahini Glaze

Beans are symbolic on Rosh Hashanah because their Talmudic name sounds like the Hebrew "to increase."

Rosh Hashanah Quiz

Test your knowledge about the Jewish New Year!

Jewish New Year Morse Code?

At the High Holidays four shofar sounds with endless messages.

The Sea Can Be A Synagogue

Or, Why I Spent Rosh Hashanah At The Beach

A Self-Hating Jew: The High Holidays Bring it Out in Me

When the High Holidays roll around, I invariably catch myself falling into a deep chasm of self-loathing. It’s a time ...

Elul Explorations From Southern Celebrants

Thoughts from Jackson, Mississippi, during the Days of Awe

Next Year

Rosh Hashanah is a day that we set aside for the explicit purpose of stopping in our tracks, checking in, and asking ourselves, how are we doing?
