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33 Jewish Recipes to Freeze Now and Savor Later
Delicious make-ahead dishes for busy days and special occasions.
Meet the Fish Detective Who Can Decode Your Gefilte Fish Heritage
Wulf’s Fish expert has a unique talent, and the goods to make it happen.
The Jewish New Year at Home
The central home ritual of Rosh Hashanah consists of a special festive meal.
Jewish New Year’s Countdowns
It’s the end of the year, at least the Jewish one, and the countdown lists are beginning. Galei Tzahal will ...
Malawach Deli Roll Croissants
Store-bought malawach, a flaky Yemenite flatbread, is the secret to this quick, 5-ingredient take on classic deli roll.
How Many Jewish New Years?
In ancient times there were four new years on the Jewish calendar.
Celebrate, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur
Jewish New Year Morse Code?
At the High Holidays four shofar sounds with endless messages.
How to Prepare Spiritually for the Jewish New Year
Five ways to focus your spiritual preparations for the High Holidays.
How Rosh Hashanah Became New Year’s Day
In the Torah, the beginning of the year was clearly set in the spring. So what happened?