
Adultery in Judaism

In Judaism, adultery is considered one of the most grievous sins.

Running and Returning

The maze-like path of the labyrinth, leading in and out of a sacred center, echoes an ancient kabbalistic idea.

From the GA: Are We Too Narcissistic?

For years, the UJC has been promising to give “the younger generation” a more prominent public role at the GA. ...

Hillel: Jews on Campus

A changing organization for a changing student body.

A Reason to Kvell Today

The Forward 50Keshet’s Executive Director, Idit Klein, has been named to the Forward 50, The Jewish Daily Forward‘s annual list of ...

From Jewish Mysticism to Magic

jewish mysticism,jewish magic,kabbalah,practical kabbalah,sefer yetzirah,merkavah mysticism,merkavah,sefer raziel,dybbuk,spertus institute

Jewish Curses

In Jewish thought and texts, curses exemplify the belief that speech can have tremendous power.

American Jewish Women as Cantors

How Jewish women worked their way into the field of synagogue music.

Surrogate Judaism

Some try to "outsource" their Judaism, but this approach has severe limits.
