
Celebrating Passover During Coronavirus? Try Adding these Special Items to Your Seder Plate.

Adding unique foods to the seder plate can help us mark a Passover that is different from all other Passovers.

Sefer Hasidim

This medieval work describes the ideal life of the pious Jew.

Averting the Severe Decree

The appearance of three word phrases in the Unetaneh Tokef prayer teaches that deeds must follow thought.

Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation

This ancient mystical text introduced many concepts that would be more fully developed by the tradition of Kabbalah.

Seperate but equal doesn’t work

I’d like to believe that the findings from this investigation won’t prove the allegation true. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem too ...

Sefer ha-Bahir: The Book of Brilliance

An analysis of the content and influences of the earliest work of Kabbalah.

Bava Batra 58

Till death do us (not) part.
