
Passover (Pesach) 101

What you need to know about the festival of freedom.

Project FEED: Focus, Engage, Educate, & Deliver

Each year NYU’s Bronfman Center plans Shabbat for 2,000, an event which strives to engage 2,000 community members in a ...

Tequila Lovers, Rejoice! Patron is Now Kosher for Passover

Time to add some margaritas to your seder menu.

Shavuot & Social Justice

As we are approach the end of the Counting of the Omer, the 49-day period between Passover and Shavuot, I’m ...

Who Knows Four?

What number comes to mind when you think about a Passover seder? Probably four. Four cups of wine. Four questions. Four sons. Especially those ...

Haroset from Egypt

Dates, raisins and nuts symbolize the mortar of our Egyptian toil, re-envisioned by a later era of Egyptian Jews.

The Orange and the Brides

The brides were sequestered in a tiny room at the banquet hall less than an hour before their wedding, fixing ...

Pesachim 39

Bitter bitter herbs.

Passover Doesn’t End With the Exodus

This Monday night Jews around the world will sit down at their tables and embark on recreating the narrative of ...

Passover as Childhood

What we experience in our early years informs every aspect of who we are.
