
The Ten Plagues

Of blood, frogs, hail and more.

Bukharian Passover Traditions and Recipes

We wear colorful kaftans, dip our matzah in a special soup, and "whip" each other to remember the pain of the Israelite slaves.

MLK’s Dayenu Moment

This past weekend, as I gathered for Passover seders, first with my family and friends, and then with my congregation, ...

“As If”: The Two Little Words We Too Often Ignore

“Each generation, people must see themselves as if they themselves went forth from Egypt.”That quote is the essence of why ...

Open Door Policy

Only when we open our doors to the hungry will we really be open to redemption.

Haroset: Recipes from Around the World

If you are looking to make a second haroset for your family, or just want to try a new tradition on for size, check out one of these recipes to spice up your menu.


Why do we eat Matzah on Passover? As we read in the Haggadah:Because the dough of our fathers did not have ...

Remembering Our Oppression With Sweetness

The haroset paste eaten at the Passover Seder recalls the mortar the Israelite slaves used to build in Egypt. So why is it so sweet?

Passover Isn’t What it Used to Be – And Why That’s a Good Thing!

One of the most oft-repeated themes of the Torah is that we must remember that we were slaves and strangers ...
