
‘Awake, Awake, Miriam the Prophetess’

Selections from two tehines (women's prayers)

Internet Privacy in Judaism

What customer information can we collect and sell?

Mary Antin

This best-selling author celebrated the immigrant experience and the boundless opportunity of America.


This ceremony uses elements of Jewish and other traditions to share a sense of possibility and openness with a newly menstruant girl.

Contemporary Activism to Save Agunot

An activist for agunot traces her development from demonstrator to promoter of prenuptial agreements that help protect women in the event of a divorce.

From Estrangement to Reconciliation

The High Holidays are but milestones on the journey toward renewal of our relationship with God.

How Rosh Hashanah Became New Year’s Day

In the Torah, the beginning of the year was clearly set in the spring. So what happened?

Judaism and LGBTQ Issues: An Overview

Attitudes have shifted dramatically in recent decades, with sharp differences between the Orthodox and liberal movements.
