
French Jewish History, 1650-1914

The Republic's liberal principles brought tolerance and opportunity.

We Can’t Go Back Now – LGBTQ Pride and the Challenges of 2017

Keshet's James Cohen shared this d'var at Temple Beth Zion's annual Pride Shabbat service in Brookline, MA.

Debbie Friedman: Singing Unto God

A self-taught musical phenomenon, she had a huge impact on liberal Jewish worship.

Jewish Communities Grow

Jewish communities from Boston to Berlin are growing and succeeding despite facing challenges.

Displaced Persons After the Holocaust

The survivors said: "We were liberated, but we are not free."

How to Choose a Siddur, or Jewish Prayer Book

It helps to know what lies behind the muted bindings and the denominational labels of today's wide array of possibilities.

Orthodoxy’s Power

What is it about Orthodoxy that has kept it alive in a marketplace of beliefs?

Intermarriage and the American Jewish Community

Once taboo, "marrying out" is now commonplace and — outside Orthodoxy — widely accepted.

The Good Wife: Hurry Up and Wait

Matthue Roth worked on the set of the new CBS drama The Good Wife as an extra, and first blogged ...

Goldie Goldbloom Talks POWs, Hasidic Jews, and Hot Italians: The Toads’ Museum Interview

Goldie Goldbloom‘s first novel, Toads’ Museum of Freaks and Wonders, comes out in February after having won the AWP Prize, ...
