
Passover and Palestinians

Palestinians are not slaves. But they are also not free.

Healthy Matzah Balls

The no fat, no cholesterol, great flavor matzah balls.

Passover, Memories, and the Power of Storytelling

It was exactly two years ago that I opened the door to a meeting of the Keshet Beit Midrash for ...

Ve’al Kol Yoshvei Tevel – Including our world in Tisha B’Av

I normally begin my blog posts with a greeting, but it is forbidden to greet others on Tisha B’Av, so ...

Best of the Week

As Labor Day Weekend approaches (and Rosh Hashanah!), let’s take a look at what you may have missed this week ...

Post-Passover Debriefing

Passover is (finally) over and that means that…it’s time to start preparing for next Passover.Okay, now before you kill me ...

Quinoa Sweet Potato Patties with Arugula Salad

I don’t mind admitting that Passover completely stresses me out. Inevitably I will start to cook something and realize I ...

Matzah Balls with a Twist

A tasty way to spruce up the classic matzah ball.

Tu Bishvat

David Seidenberg has put together a diverse collection of Tu Bishvat resources, including a 17th century blessing for a Tu ...
