
Al Hanisim: Concerning the Miracles

A prayer acknowledging the significance of Hanukkah.

Shavuot 101

Shavuot commemorates the spring harvest and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.

Mystical Israel

Medieval kabbalah offers various approaches to the Land of Israel.

Slaves to Materialism

Readings for the seder table.

Preparing for Passover: Make a Plan, Keep track

Most of us go to the grocery store with a list of what we need for the coming few days ...

Are Meat Substitutes Kosher for Passover?

Tofu, tempeh, seitan and others are increasingly popular, but can they be eaten on Passover?

A New Passover Cookbook Tells the Story of Sephardi Jewish Foods and Traditions

An extensive new cookbook details Sephardi and Judeo-Arab food traditions.

Boom. Torah.  Boom.  Midrash.  Boom.  #Nadiviating

Today was about Torah and today was about midrash.I have been teaching our 3rd graders about the Torah readings we’ve ...
