
The 14 Key Steps of a Passover Seder

The word "seder" means order and it refers to these building blocks of the ritual.

Passover Contest: Best Seder Ever

What’s your best Passover story? It can be a horror story about Passover cleaning, or the story of how your ...

Which Seder Plate Item Are You?

Where you fall on a scale from sweet haroset and bitter herbs.

Shotgun Not Inviting Him To My Seder

I sure hope Mahmoud Ahmadinejad knows how to swim. Because when he wipes Israel, and consequently Jews, off the map, ...

Six New Questions for Your Seder

New questions to consider as you explain your Seder Plate

How to Find an Online Passover Seder

Celebrate the festival of freedom from the comfort of home.

My Seder Plate Has Cinnamon

There are several ways that LGBTQ Jews can be symbolically honored during the Passover seder. The orange on the seder ...

Yes, It’s (Not) All About the Seder

So what is the significance of these rituals? How do we choose what we will and will not do to take notice of this holiday?

Maggid: Telling the Passover Story at the Seder

This lengthy section of the Passover seder tells the story of the Exodus from Egypt.
