
Maggid: Telling the Passover Story at the Seder

This lengthy section of the Passover seder tells the story of the Exodus from Egypt.

Passover Seders During the Civil War

For American Jewry during the Civil War, the Passover story was especially powerful. However, creating a seder in a war zone requires flexibility and creativity.

Four Questions for this Year’s Seder

“Let all who are hungry come and eat.” We traditionally say these words during our Passover seder, opening our doors ...

How to Lead a Tu Bishvat Seder

The modern seder draws on elements of its mystical predecessor.

A Tu Bishvat Seder For Every Personality

Tu Bishvat is not just for hippies anymore.

Kabbalistic Tu Bishvat Seder: Part 2

Evil in the world is symbolized by fruit at the seder.

Preparing for Passover: Choose a Theme for Your Seder

I am a huge fan of theme parties and themed meals. Just this past Friday I hosted a Breakfast for ...

I Wish Joan Rivers Was At My Seder

No one does Jewish holidays like Martha Stewart. You think I’m joking, but I’m totally serious. Once I saw her ...

6 Tips for Hosting a Solo Passover Seder

Having a Seder by yourself or with a small group doesn't have to be a lonely experience.
