
Summary of Tractate Yevamot

This talmudic text dives deep into the laws of levirate marriage.

Creating the Jewish Pregnancy

From Shehechiyanu to psalms, how I brought Jewish ritual into this momentous life stage.

How To Decide If You Should Convert to Judaism

Becoming Jewish requires careful consideration and extensive self-examination.

Elijah the Prophet

As the herald of the messianic age and a recurring figure in Jewish folklore, Elijah's legacy surpasses that of virtually all the other prophets of Israel.

How To Interview Your Elders

Judaism places a high value on passing stories from generation to generation. Here’s how to get the most out of your conversations with your parents and grandparents.

Secular Judaism is an Oxymoron

One perspective on whether or not Jews must believe in God.

My Family’s Soviet-Era Rosh Hashanah Dinner Is All About Delicious Food and Freedom

The High Holidays were about more than tradition or food for this family — they were about freedom.

Social Anxiety: What You Need to Know

This mental health disorder goes way beyond shyness. Learn how to get control over the debilitating fear social situations, so you can enjoy your life.

Parashat Bo: Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. ...

From Looking Jewish to Being Jewish

Cultural anthropologists call it ‘going native’. You find yourself in the field as a participant observer of your host culture ...
