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Gender & Sexuality, Keshet, Live
Vayikra, And God Called Out: An Invitation to Gender Justice
This past Saturday, Keshet Staff Member Joanna Ware joined Temple Hillel B’nai Torah to deliver a d’var Torah on gender ...
Gender & Sexuality, Keshet, Live
Wrapping Myself in the Fringes
This was the d’var Torah (discourse) I gave at the Jewish service on Friday night at the Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference, ...
Celebrate, Gender & Sexuality, Keshet, Live, Yom Kippur
Shipwrecked with God
Communities, institutions, families and friendships create a sense of common identity, a sense of “we.” Since no two people – ...
Teach Your Children Well
“The world we build tomorrow is born in the experiences we give our children today.”Our Jewish tradition is centered on ...
Celebration Jewish Congregation The only Reconstructionist congregation in Central Florida
Jews and Indians, Past and Present
This is a guest post by Andrew Tertes, the author of Jacob’s Return. He is blogging here today for Jewish ...
Interfaith Social Action Day
I am familiar with the phrase “Sara Beth plans, and God/nature/Murphy’s Law laughs.” (I’m paraphrasing.)January 28th was one such day.I ...
Israel Trips
Links to sites about trips to Israel