
Praying with My Feet Because #BlackLivesMatter

What was it like to walk in the wilderness from Egypt to the Promised Land?In my own life and in ...

Should We Fear God or Love God — or Both?

Moses' message to relate to God through love, not only through fear, is especially relevant in the modern age.

Passover, Shabbat and Rat Poison – Poisoning Ourselves With the Poison Used Against Us

This year the first day of Passover fell on Shabbat. Can we find a deeper connection between Shabbat and Passover?Perhaps we ...

Funny, You Don’t Book Jewish

Lois Leveen’s newest novel, The Secrets of Mary Bowser, is now available. There’s a novel I first read years ago ...

How To Read the Hebrew Alphabet

Known as the Aleph Bet, the Hebrew alphabet contains 22 letters.

Must-Know Words and Phrases Related to End-of-Life Care

General and Jewish terms you'll want to know at this critical time.

A Jewish Chaplain

Sometimes the chaplain is the only one who can mourn.

ROI 120: Tightrope Walkers, Half-Naked Trapeze, and the Future of the Jewish Community

Heshy Fried, better known as Frum Satire, is one of 120 participants in the Schusterman Foundation’s initiative ROI 120, a ...
